Sunday, 18 May 2014

This week has been a joyous one in that my beautiful grand-daughter has arrived, healthy and welcomed by a very happy family.  Mother, Father and older sister all very happy and grandmother is
totally overjoyed.  I am going to place a picture and she will be known as Grand-daughter No 4.

So I have been madly finishing cross stitching little motifs on a blanket, a grow-suit, a bib and hopefully more to come.  Last night I started crocheting a little jacket for our newest member and then I need to keep crocheting for the older 3 grand daughters.  I prefer to crochet so therefore need to buy jumpers for the grand sons.
Here is a picture of the bib with a cross stitched 
giraffe on the front.
I need to remember to photograph items of craft when I finish so that I can share.  That is what the mobile phone is great for - usually a good camera.

Even when visiting my other grand children yesterday, all my eldest grand daughter could do was ask questions about our newest member and ask her parents when would they be visiting,

Tuesday was also budget day in Australia, a hard day for us all.  My only comment is that ALL budgets need to be tightened at some time and I agree with the governments goal.  But WHY, is it always young families (middle &  low income earners) and pensioners, and unemployed who always pay the cost.  

Due to all my crafting for my newest grandchild and planning items for other grand children I haven't much else to say.  (I may place another article on the budget later in the week.) So. I will get on to all my recipes and crafts for the week.  I was so excited as my thought of the week last week from the Dalai Lama brought the most positive tweets I have ever had (still not many but still great).

Recipe of the Week

Ultimate Beef Stroganoff {Slow Cooker}
With winter less than 2 weeks away it is time for casseroles, stews and soups.  Slow cookers are invaluable at this time of the year.  One of my favourite winter dishes is beef stroganoff and I have found a great version for the slow cooker.

Craft of the week

They are Berry Sweet Earrings
Berry Sweet EarringsWhile it is great for knitting and crocheting for winter warmth you can always find time for a little bling.  These earrings are very sweet and cute, I hope you enjoy them.

Children's Activities

Scrappy Ladybug Magnets   By: Amanda Formaro for AllFreeKidsCrafts
 Use up your scraps in the cutest way possible with these charming DIY magnets. Scrappy Ladybug Magnets are super thrifty art project ideas for little ones to make.  
These are really cute.  The children could make these as gifts for people.

Favourite Quote

 “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.” 
― Bernard M. Baruch

Have a great week everyone.

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