20th November, 2013
Throughout the year I have moralized and given health hints (as if I can talk on health!) household hints, plus many other bits and pieces and I am always on the look out for something different. It is starting to become difficult BUT there are many joke sites to deal with HUMP DAY so I decided to place a collection of some of the best jokes & quotes I found for today. I hope you share my sense of mirth with some of these & enjoy the remainder of your week. May it be productive!
Happy Hump Day! We're half way there to drinking cocktails and making decisions we will regret on Monday
There's a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line.
"Each morning I wake up and say to myself, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or ... you can choose to be in a bad mood. I choose to be in a good mood. Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or ... I can choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it. Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to accept their complaining or... I can point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life." ~Author Unknown
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. ~Dr. Seuss
It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation. ~Herman Melville
Tip Of The Day: Make Wednesday a wonderful day and not a hump day! Do an act of kindness. Now consider, how does this make you feel? Can you imagine the difference if everyone did even one act of kindness each and every Wednesday?

13th November, 2013
As it is mid week again or HUMP DAY we are following on from last week. makes it easier for me doesn't it?
I hope you enjoyed the ANTI MURPHY'S LAW or THE STARFIELDS LAWS from last week. Below are the following (last) 5.
6. If something simply must go right, it always will.
7. If in your plans, you perceive that there are ways in which your plans will go better still and plan accordingly, then something unprepared for will promptly develop to show you how limited your original expectations were.
8. If everything seems to be going well, you are obviously blessed.
9. Whenever you set out to do something, if something else must be done first, then that something will not only be accomplished but accomplish what it was you set out to do originally to the maximum benefit of all involved.
10. Every problem offers new possibilities for something wonderful to happen.
7. If in your plans, you perceive that there are ways in which your plans will go better still and plan accordingly, then something unprepared for will promptly develop to show you how limited your original expectations were.
8. If everything seems to be going well, you are obviously blessed.
9. Whenever you set out to do something, if something else must be done first, then that something will not only be accomplished but accomplish what it was you set out to do originally to the maximum benefit of all involved.
10. Every problem offers new possibilities for something wonderful to happen.
StarFields/Anthony J. Mizzi 2003
6th November, 2013
Here we go again! Wednesday comes around so quickly (it seems!) I hope your week has been and continues to be great. If not, then I have a little pearler for you this week.
We all know Murphy's Law, if something can go wrong it will. Well that is for the pessimists out there. If we want to improve our lot we must start thinking far more positively. To do this we need the opposite to Murphy and this comes under two names. Known as ANTI MURPHY'S LAW or THE STARFIELDS LAWS. There are 10 of these and this week I am including 5 (the other 5 will be next week, saves me some work, haha!)
My optimistic friends will have lived by these for years so it is now time we all adopt them to improve our lot, even if we just feel happier in ourselves we have achieved something from today.

These beautiful creatures always make my day improve or go better, I know it is a state of mind, but I either see them on the Onkaparinga River as I drive past or flying to the river in their magnificent seemingly easy gliding overhead and I start to smile, which naturally improves my outlook on everything.
This is an official StarFields commissioned re-write of Murphy's Law which have been deemed to be no longer appropriate for humanity to follow.
The StarFields Laws
(Anti Murphy's Law)
1. Everything that can go right, will go right.
2. Left to themselves, things will go from good to better for that is The Hand of The Divine at work.
3. Everything IS as easy as it looks.
3a. Corollary: If you are a child, or have child-like wonder in the world around you, everything is even EASIER than it looks.
4. Nothing takes as long than you think when you put your heart and mind to it.
5. If there is a possibility of several things going right, the one that will cause the most good in the world will be the one to happen.
5a. Corollary: If there is a best time for something to go right, it will happen then.
Just in case this doesn't work for you??? I have included a Youtube clip of Tim Minchin to make you day complete. Even is your day does go to plan here is Tim Minchin. - Reward yourself!
2. Left to themselves, things will go from good to better for that is The Hand of The Divine at work.
3. Everything IS as easy as it looks.
3a. Corollary: If you are a child, or have child-like wonder in the world around you, everything is even EASIER than it looks.
4. Nothing takes as long than you think when you put your heart and mind to it.
5. If there is a possibility of several things going right, the one that will cause the most good in the world will be the one to happen.
5a. Corollary: If there is a best time for something to go right, it will happen then.
Just in case this doesn't work for you??? I have included a Youtube clip of Tim Minchin to make you day complete. Even is your day does go to plan here is Tim Minchin. - Reward yourself!
Wednesday 30th October, 2013
Middle of the week again. It comes around so quickly (appears to is what I mean!) As the end of year approaches life appears to pick up speed and the next 8 weeks go by so quickly, and the stress levels rise markedly. We will have break-ups for every little area of our lives, school, work, sporting clubs, all clubs and groups,saying farewell to people as they move on to as new stage of their life. In amongst all this there is the Christmas planning, gift buying and wrapping, food planning and preparation../and packing (if going away) It is SO full on!
I love it all... but that doesn't mean I do not get stressed,
If you are free of stress you may be able to help the rest of us relax a little in this very tense time. If so, please let me know.
Are YOU Stressed ...?
Should the answer be yes,
What Every Person Needs ...
What we all need as human beings
is really, just
one single person
to be absolutely on our side.
Someone who has faith in us,
someone to really love us as we are,
no questions asked,
without reservations
or judgements of any kind;
Just a single person
who will always be there
to help us, protect us;
To inspire us, applaud us
when we have succeeded in something,
no matter how insignificant
it may seem to an outsider;
Someone who will encourage us
to strive towards
the best we can possibly be,
and always, always cheer us on;
Someone who cannot ever be tempted away
by youth, beauty, money, bribes
and will always choose us,
every day, each moment afresh;
someone to stand by us
when everything falls apart,
who will love us no matter what;
Someone who will never let us down,
never give up on us,
never leave us
and who will always, always
be fiercely and actively loving of us
in every way, every day,
until we take our last breath in physicality.
Well, that person is here.
It is you.
And now, finally, we can start
on the road to be that person
we always knew we should have been -
with a little help from our self,
our endlessly loving totality.
Enjoy Hump Day and be glad that you are at work where your world be more orderly. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Wednesday 2nd October, 2013
Chewing gum can do more than freshen your breath. According to research, chewing a stick of gum also seems to reduce stress and anxiety, as well as improve mental performance during tasks. In one study, not only did gum chewers report they were less stressed, they were also less depressed and less likely to see a doctor for high blood pressure or high cholesterol.
Other Data found on chewing gum - most interesting
Chewing gum improves memory
Chewing gum reduces symptoms of stress
Chewing gum helping to manage weight
Chewing gum improves digestion
Chewing gum improves oral health
Wednesday - 11/09/2013
1. Essential Oils:
Particularly air conditioned - (Using an electric vaporiser) the following essential oils will assist, (use 2 - 4, not all) cypress, eucalyptus, geranium, grapefruit, lavender, lemon, peppermint, rosemary & tea tree.
Some combinations of oil for effect:
Poor Concentration: Rosemary 4(drops), Basil 4, Rosewood 2.
Aggression: Eucalyptus 4, Lavender 4, Chamomile 2
Note, we are only using 10 drops of oil.
Any combination may help. but these are proven. (Thank you to Introduction to Aromatherapy by Margrit Bachmann.)
A selection of oils.
Here are some other ideas:
1. Sparkling Natural Spring Water- drink this with a healthy eating lifestyle in place. If you add fresh fruit it’s the perfect refreshing guiltless treat! Add strawberries and lemons or oranges.
2. Family Dinners – On Wednesday evenings Family Dinner Night” with parents, grandparents and siblings. It is a relaxing evening with people you love, a perfect mid-week pick-me-up! What a great way to break up the week and create lasting memories with family.
3. Cupcakes –They are the perfect mid-week or any day of the week pick me up. I made some Sunday for all the grandchildren and saw some very happy faces. Nearly everyone loves a cupcake.
Flower cupcakes
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