After coffee I meandered through some of the stores and stocked up on supplies for the next few days. On the radio I had heard that there were whales frolicking in shallow waters at Bashams Beach and Goolwa Beach. So thought I would take a drive to these areas on my way to Goolwa. There were 2 whales at Bashams but although you could get quite a good look from the shore I couldn't quite walk the distance from car to beach so had to be happy with my view from a distance. I did take photos but due to the great distance cropping couldn't help. So sorry folks, we will have to hope for better tomorrow.
Goolwa Beach was next on my agenda after the first sighting. By now the wind was really blowing a gale, and I had to struggle to get out of the car. I couldn't get near the beach so decided it was coffee time again and went into Bombora Cafe at Goolwa Beach. It is a little square building with service and kitchen in another building attached by a walkway. I found the set up a little strange but cannot complain about the service or the coffee. However, it has plastic windows which were up on the eastern side and closed on all other sides. I sat the western side and it was quite warm, but comfortable. People on the eastern side were complaining about mosquitos. I am going to put it all down to weather as it truly was a dreadfully blowy day.
Bombora Cafe
At last at about 2:15 pm I drove through the entrance of the Goolwa Central Motel and couldn't wait to unpack and FLOP! It has taken me about 3 hours to recuperate enough to set to and write this report. It is a lovely room and I shall be quite comfortable here for the next 3 nights.
Tomorrow my daughter & granddaughter No 2 will be down and we hope to see a few pelicans and I can only hope there will be better pictures than today. Now I am bunkering down for an early night.
Note: The dreaded Fire Siren for the town has sounded, as it was a fairly short burst I only hope it was for a practice and nothing more serious.
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