Monday, 28 July 2014

It has been a very mixed week both physically and emotionally and completely draining at times but let us focus on the positives only as they are what help get us through. The negatives are there to keep us in touch with out feelings and realising that live is like that box of chocolates from Forrest Gump each one is a surprise,  (Just don't look on the back of the box for what is in there, you may never then want to open the box at all!)

I had a birthday and had a lovely (quiet) day with my Mum and my Sister.  It was a long celebration as my girlfriend had taken me out to lunch the Saturday before to Le Terre at Willunga.  There authentic French Onion Soup is magnificent.  Well worth visiting for their 'small cafe French menu and small but good selection of wine.  They also have a great selection of imported teas and GREAT GREAT coffee.  Anyway, back to this week, my Mother took me to Oscars of McLaren Vale for  lunch and we both felt  need for a great pizza and weren't disappointed.  One of my favourite places to visit in McLaren Vale (but there are quite a few).  Then my sister brought afternoon tea with a selection of FOUR items from Cocolat   She divided the four each into three pieces.  It has taken me over 48 hours to complete.  Worth dragging out though.  MAGNIFICENT!

My 6 beautiful untidy grandchildren
Total, total Joys
Eldest & youngest
grand daughters
Yesterday the birthday continued with a lunch at my daughter's with my daughter and her family and my son and his four children.  All were beautiful.  It was a party lunch and I made lolly bags for everyone.  My daughter had made cup cakes (birthday cake).  I at last managed a photograph with ALL 6 grand children.  No one grandson held No 4 grand daughter who screamed the entire time. I later managed a picture of No 1 grand daughter holding No 4 who was a little more content this time.  The trouble is the 3 - 5 years olds are really the hardest to photograph as they see the need for messing around.  Frustration.

Birthday cupcake, Thanks Mel.
Tomorrow I finish up with a coffee  get together again with another very close friend who also has a birthday this week.  We have been friends many years now and I am very privileged with her companionship.  It is a friendship where you do not need to be in touch every week but can get together and start off where you left off ages before,  I was thinking about friendship and these days because of my lack of mobility and (also my single status - another article for another day), I only have 3 or 4 CLOSE friends, many acquaintances but these are dropping, due to time and distance. Close friends stay the same and I am so lucky with my very few.  

Next week I am going back to Goolwa for three days as I did last year.  My daughter and her now TWO girls are coming down for one of the one days and I will play tourist again on the other.  Love Goolwa and environs, so relaxing, friendly and recuperative powers.  BUT, the week before I go is extremely busy and I have much to do.  I will try to keep in touch via face book daily and still get a page written next week.

Beautiful daughter with her baby and niece.
This week I have another mixture in trying to cater to as many areas as I possibly can as not everyone is interested in crochet, cross stitch, food and of course my favourite - children.  So I hope you find the selection exciting.  Over the last few weeks of winter I am going to investigate more areas to add to my BLOG.  This is great because it means I learn too.  Have a good week ALL.

Recipe(s) of the Week 
This week I am looking at healthy and diabetic friendly.  Sorry everyone, especially after my last few days of most unhealthy cooking.  
One is

Monster Zucchini and Basil Strata Recipe


Servers 8, Quite quick and easy. \ You can use other vegetables, place some grated capsicum, spinach, whatever is in the fridge.  Place tomato slices on top and tissy it up a little.  Great way to get the kids to eat veg and eggs.  
Also, another zucchini recipe (sorry kids) but even they might like this: 

Skinny Zucchini Crisps

Skinny Zucchini CrispsThese sound wonderful, easy and use Panko bread crumbs which I love.  They really add pizazz to crumbing and mixed with parmesan make a dish special.

Two-Minute Ear CuffsSee the  Recipe(s) of the Week and links for all the details.

Image of Curvy Girl Intertwined PonchoCraft(s) of the Week
Do you love earring but do not have pierced ears or just want a change?  Here is a pattern for CUFF EARRINGS, so try something a little different.

Hooty Owl Crochet BasketsI also found a BEAUTIFUL crochet poncho pattern that I adore and would love to have the times and be able to (Painful shoulder), maybe someone might like to make it and post a picture for us.   

Another absolutely gorgeous pattern is the 

Hooty Owl Crochet Baskets - so cute.  

So plenty to keep everyone busy this week.   

Glow-in-the-Dark Bouncy Ball
Children's activities

Glow-in-the-Dark Bouncy Ball

The Glow-in-the-Dark Bouncy Ball is the latest and greatest way to bounce your way into fun. Creative craft ideas for children are great ways to get them to start thinking creatively.

My grandchildren love anything to do with glow in the dark.

Something went wrong with my Quotes Page so I have had to discard it and start again soon.   

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