Sunday, 4 May 2014

Autumn at its Best

We have had wonderful rains this week and everything looks fresh outside.  The sun is shining, it is still cold and beautiful.  The autumn colours are everywhere, the dry grass from summer is already starting to turn green, the paths need sweeping but everything is too wet to sweep.  All sound confusing and mixed up?  Well, this is how I love AUTUMN, it is the BEST season of the year.

Now back to reality.  I hope everyone has had a happy and productive week.  My week shows that all is progressing nicely in the family home.  My Mum had a great report from the surgeon, doesn't want to see her for 12 months unless there is a problem, and she is much happier and more content as she is starting to take on a few of the household chores and take control of her own life again.  This also means I am starting to find a little more time to work on the computer and catch up on all I have neglected over the last 6 weeks.

This all leads nicely into Mother's Day here in Australia - next Sunday (11th May).  It is now such a big commercial event and tends to lose all the relevance of what it started as.  Where are the lovely little gifts the children made at kindy or junior primary?  Find me a mother who wants a new washing machine or vacuum cleaner for this special day.  As a mother ALL I require or want for Mothers day is the company of my children and grand children.  As I live in the family home with Mum, I am hoping and expecting that most people will be around to see my mother (Gran, Great Gran & Mum) so I have all the makings for scones (Gluten and gluten free), may make a few other little bits and pieces and if I think everyone is turning up at the same time I may make a few sandwiches and little cakes.

What have you all planned for next week?  Please let me know, either through email or on face book at:

Now, I had better share the bits and pieces I have for this week.

Grandma's Classic Peanut Butter CookiesRecipe of the Week:

Grandma's Classic Peanut Butter Cookies

Take a trip back to the good ol' days with this recipe for Grandma's Classic Peanut Butter Cookies. These no fail peanut butter cookies are a hit for holiday parties, bake sales, or just a fun night in baking with your family.
Yields: 36

Cooking Time: 7 min

Connect-the-Dots Bronze Pearl EarringsCraft of the Week:

Connect-the-Dots Bronze Pearl Earrings        
By: Keri Lee Sereika for Pink Lemonade

These are quite simple to make.  You will feel most pleased with yourself when completed.  The  link :Craft of the Week: will take you to the pattern.

Cute Clothespin Butterfly Crafts

I know I include many of these patterns, nut having 3 grand daughters and 3 great nieces, butterflies are of great importance in their world.  They are beautiful creatures and always receive much acclaim for their beauty.  All small children seem to love butterflies.

So, I felt this was a great activity this week.  If you want to show the finished item you could always place a magnet on the other side of the peg and attach magnet to fridge.

Quote of the Week:

Due to my love of autumn I thought this quote appropriate.

George Eliot
β€œIs not this a true autumn day? Just the still melancholy that I love - that makes life and nature harmonise. The birds are consulting about their migrations, the trees are putting on the hectic or the pallid hues of decay, and begin to strew the ground, that one's very footsteps may not disturb the repose of earth and air, while they give us a scent that is a perfect anodyne to the restless spirit. Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns."

[Letter to Miss Eliot, Oct. 1, 1841]”
― George Eliot

I hope every one has a fruitful week and please keep in touch with me throughout the week ahead.  

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