Monday 20 January 2014

What a week!

I hope you have all managed to cope with the past week with the massive high temperatures and the destructive bush fires we have had to live with in South Australia, Victoria & now New South Wales.  I haven't forgotten Western Australia where it all started.  We tend to have these fires a little later in the season so we still have to get through the next 8 to 10 weeks of dry tinder conditions and apparently some still very high temperatures to come.  My heart and prayers go to all people affected by the fires in all states.

I had a busy week in the heat and the air conditioning in the car wasn't working.  It took me back to the 70's when no-one had air conditioning in the car AND vinyl seats, but at least I was spoilt with fabric seats.  It was so so hot, and I was running a couple of young grand children around, but we all survived.  It was time to spend one on one with each of the older grand children, so I started with Grand son No 2 who is 5 and about to start school, he is not ready to stay a night on his own without sibling support and tends to find Gran and myself a little quiet after being No 3 child of 4 (There is nearly always some type of noise).  He managed to stay for lunch, blow bubbles before it got too hot and then play with the collection of cars that were his fathers before mentioning the word "computer". I am always amazed at this little boys' talent with the working of the computer.  I brought it out to the table so I could be with him and keep and eye on him, turned it on and went to do something while it started up - when I got back he was ready to play as he had moved through all the stages of setting up the machine.  Awesome little 5 year old.

Concentrating Cousins
Later that day I brought home Granddaughter No 1 and we had the best 24 hours.  It is the first time she has spent a night with Grandma and no siblings and was the most delightful little house guest.  As is usual each holidays her second cousin came the next day and we had a craft day.  Firstly little owls were made and I forgot to photo and then we commenced weaving "Friendship Bracelets"  as described last week.  Whenever possible these two little darlings would sit side by side and have their heads together giggling.  Granddaughter No 1 took her project home as she was making her friendship bracelet for me and it needed to be a little longer, when I dropped in on Saturday we finished it off and I am now proudly wearing it.
Proudly showing their work

Thankfully Friday night after a week of temperatures reaching as high as 46 degrees C the cool change swept through and we are all breathing a little easier...until the next one!
This week is still busy, I am having No 1 Grandson Wednesday and on Thursday I am taking him, and his brother and sister with the help of my daughter ten pin bowling and lunch.  That should see a nice finish to the holidays as the school year starts after the Australia Day weekend.
Saturday brings the Tour Down Under to the town and the race goes past our house 3 times.  We are having a few friends in for lunch and the race, although you see more on TV, as they are coming down the hill and all go by so quickly, but the atmosphere is great and any reason for a party.  Santos Tour Down Under

Now onto what wonders I have found for this week; I am starting a new page called "Little pick me -ups".  I hope to have little tips including cooking, cleaning, gardening, health and anything that helps us get through the day.  I hope you find it useful and feel free to add your own little tips.  We need to assist each other in our daily life.
Little pick me ups:  Your Daily Coffee Just Might Jolt Your Memory
But experts say research has many limitations.

New study suggests caffeine not only wakes you up, but also may aid your recall
This may mean a great reason for not giving up your daily morning coffee.

Recipe of the week:  Asian Spiced Chicken Wings 
I know I seem to include  many chicken recipes, but I do prefer chicken and I also find it child friendly.  You can always adjust the spice level to suit your children.  It is also quite an economical meat.  My mother and I often have chicken wings on a Saturday night during football season when she really doesn't want to leave the TV whilst the Crows or Power are playing.
Crochet Errands Bag

Craft of the Week:           Easy Errands Bag: by Lily Sugar'n Cream
Crochet a  really great rectangular bag from Lily Sugar n' Cream with easy knotted handles for daily shopping.  It has the great idea of using yarn that is self striping so you don't have to change yarn.  Have a go!  

Children's Activities:        Recycled Sleeve Placemat Weave   By: Sara from Creative Jewish Mom

 Recycled Sleeve Placemat Weave  I find children are so proud of articles they make that they can give to someone and see that person using the item.  Go to the link of Children's Activities above for instructions.

 Self respect, self worth, and self love. There's a reason they all start with "self." You can't receive them from anyone else.      (Angel - happiness, I do not have more details.)

I hope everyone has a great "cool" week and we will talk again soon.

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