Sunday, 6 July 2014

School Holidays - Mid Year

School holidays are here again and it signals the end of the first half of the school year.  My 5 year old grand son told me yesterday that he is a SRC rep for his reception class.  He is so pleased with himself and rightly so and I have promised to try and get to the first assembly of the term when the new members are introduced to the school.  The smile is a mile wide and infectious.

The older grandchildren and I are off to the pictures again these holidays but I said last week that we were going to Rio 2 and the grandchildren have decided they would like to see Transformers.  In checking it out yesterday I noticed it is M rated, so will discuss with their parents as I am not happy about taking  a 5, 8 & 13 year olds to an M rated film even though I am sure they have seen worse in the Xbox. - A very big decision!

We have an 8 year old here tomorrow and I am in charge of teaching her to crochet which I am looking forward to.  The girls are all so eager to learn craft these days and have so many more opportunities than I can remember me or my children's' generation. There is so much available in the toy departments aimed at craft and hobbies, which is great but it often brings about frustration from parents who are not sure how and / or are time poor.  Remember, if unsure, look at YouTube for ideas and great instructions.  All our girls are into the LOOM BANDS at the moment, and I must say I am absolutely amazed at the brilliance of these little 5 - 8 year olds.  If they can't use the loom then they used their fingers.  I have even tried searching YouTube and still can't follow what to do.

Many are still indulging in Christmas in July. There are advertisements everywhere for dinners etc.  This week I have placed my Christmas page back on the pages list so if you need any ideas then you might find a few there. 

The colours do not show up clearly.
I have started ordering a few more beads on eBay ready for jewellery making, am looking forward to indulging myself in some jewellery making later this year.  At the moment I am on my youngest grand daughter Shrug. (Have just finished the eldest grand daughters and I am not sure if it is the colours in the yarn but I do NOT like it, the child was pleased when she worked out what it was.  Her father thought the sleeves were too short and I had to explain to him what it is.)  I then asked my youngest grandchild if she wanted one like her sisters or a normal jacket/jumper. However, she wanted the same as her sister, naturally!
I do need to get onto card making soon.  It is hard to know which crafts to do first as the main three (for me) are selling slowly but steadily on eBay.  The three are cards, cross stitched items and jewellery.

Well, that is my woes and concerns for the week.  Now for what I have been seeking for everyone this week.  I have doubled up on a couple this week.

Recipe of the Week:

Do you have muffin pans at home but hardly ever use them.  Here are two recipes where you can use them and make easy to manage items.

Rise 'n' Shine Omelette Cups
Easy personal portion size,  a tasty hit, and the all-in-one convenience.

Chicken Kiev Rollups

I love Chicken Kievs and here we use the muffin tin again.  I shall be giving both of these a try, plus I can cut it down from feeding 6 to 2 which is great.

Luscious One Skein Cowl :: Free #crochet pattern on Moogly!
Craft of the Week:

Luscious One Skein Cowl
I am always seeing patterns of these, and have never been sure of them.  I have had requests for the pattern before, and yesterday I wore one that my son and family gave me a few years ago and the grand daughters really liked it, so when this pattern arrived in my in-box this morning I thought it must be time to include it.  I may even make a couple for gifts in the near future.  I have some lovely multi coloured yarns at present and I think they would look wonderful in a cowl. 
Twiggy Christmas Trees

Twiggy Christmas Trees        By:   

Forage for twigs during the summer then in the winter you can make these ready for Christmas.

Children's Craft Activity:
Little Beaded Angel

Little Beaded Angel     By: 
 Another one for Christmas in July.  
Should be relatively easy for most children and they will be able to make plenty ready for the Christmas tree or as gifts for their friends as a Christmas gift ready for December.  (As it comes around very quickly)

 Favourite Quote:

"Sportsmanship for me is when a guy walks off the court and you really can't tell whether he won or lost, when he carries himself with pride either way."    
Jim Courier

Hopefully all this will keep you busy this week.  I will endeavour to find more interesting snippets for next week.  Take care.

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