I find it very easy to snuggle down with my crafts and favourite TV programmes. I LOVE it. However, life continues to go on and we can't just bury our heads in the 'sand' and ignore everything - no matter how much you might like to. Whilst searching through important activities for June I noted that there were some very important dates where we can HELP people not so well off as ourselves. This does not mean financially, although I am sure, donations of money assists too. The three dates I am drawn to most (there are many more too) are:
· 9-15 June 2014 International Men's Health Week
· 14 June 2014 World Blood Donor Day
· 15 June 2014 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
We are also celebrating the Queen's birthday and therefore having a long weekend, this is great for the monarchists (me) but what about the republic movement? Anyway, it is worth noting it is not the Queen's birthday (it is in April) & even England doesn't have a long weekend - I am not complaining though. I have particularly enjoyed this weekend, weather perfect, cold but sunny. Saturday I caught up with 4 of my grandchildren with the two younger kids being quite 'active' and the older two being very cuddly. Yesterday, I met up with a girlfriend at the Deep Bluewater at Moana for brunch. Pleasant to be sitting in a restaurant with wood fires and the ocean across the road and great company. McLaren Vale is also celebrating the Annual Sea & Vines weekend where a restaurant teems up with a winery and mostly local seafood is served along with a tasty wine of the season. It started off quite small but is now HUGE with all the motels and B&B's FULL. This weekend there also seems to be numerous little markets, craft and food. For some of the boutique wineries this is there biggest weekend of the year financially.
How are you spending your long weekend?
I have found many different ideas for you this weekend and some great links to go to for different patterns etc, This is a new idea for me and some weeks it will be for patterns, other times it will be recipes, storage, money saving etc. I hope you enjoy these links.
Enjoy the remainder of the weekend or start of the week and let me know how I did with this week's selection.
Craft of the Week
15 Unexpected Uses for Aluminium Foil By: Melissa Conner, Editor of FaveCrafts.com
Toilet Paper Roll Bird Feeder
Materials: Nature Crafts, Recycled Crafts
Age Group: Toddlers, Preschool & Kindergarten, Elementary School, Pre-Teens
Time to complete: Under 30 minutes
Quote of the Week
I had trouble choosing this week. I decided to go to humorous and there were so many, so I have had to go with two. I hope you get a giggle too.
The hardest thing to find in life is happiness - money is only hard to find because it gets wasted trying to find happiness.
Math is fun, it teaches you life and death information, like when you're cold, you should go to a corner since it's 90 degrees there. Anonymous-http://coolfunnyquotes.com
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