Sunday 2 March 2014

March already and we are all settled in to the year ahead.  Here in South Australia we face a State election in two weeks, so all the media are focusing on who to elect.  We are supposed to be such deep financial problems yet the government of the day is offering  to spend, spend, spend in order to be elected again.  I am not sure where they are hoping to find the money and this scares me quite significantly.  Meanwhile the other side has not told us how they are funding their promises yet but say they will do so shortly.

Although I love politics I do not usually think about elections too much, I believe both sides are about the same- both wanting to win- but with the way my life, and my childrens' lives are situated at present the outcome may be of concern to all of us.  I shall be watching very closely over the next two weeks.

  • I was so pleased to hear on the news today that the two ladies (word used loosely) who terrorised a nearly blind man on public transport in Queensland recently have given them selves in and been charged by police.  We can not be proud of our society while their are still people of this ilk still able to run amok and intimidate who ever they like.  We only ever talk about religious, ethnic & sexual intimidation but there is another that I am very aware off and that is the elderly intimidation.   Instead of revering our elderly as they do in so many other cultures here we deride and terrorise and many are living in fear in our towns and suburbs.  This is totally unacceptable in a so called 'civilized society'.

    While I am on the band wagon this week,  I am a firm believer in all things Flinders Medical Centre (FMC) and Public Health in this state.  It has all served me very well over the last 32 years and I had hoped it  still would for a few more years yet.  I go to the wonderful pain unit at FMC for many many years and although I have  had an assortment of doctors over this time I have never felt neglected.  However, late last year, I had a letter to say that my January appointment had been cancelled - no change of appointment.  I rang to find out what was happening and was told the doctor concerned had left and they were waiting for the new appointment in 2014.  We are now in March an NO DOCTOR has been appointed.  I heard yesterday that there are 400 patients awaiting the employment of Doctors to this department.  We haven't given thought to new patients joining the waiting list.  I and many others depend on this care, thankfully not weekly like many others and am most concerned.  With an election in 2 weeks I am contacting my Member of Parliament, his contesting opponent and any one else I can and ask you all to do the same.  For once I do not intend to sit on my hands and watch an iconic SA hero be decimated and I ask you all to do the same please.

    Now I am back to this week and what I have found of interest.  

    Recipe of the week:   French Toast Roll-Ups
    I love French toast and used to make it often for my son and his mates after they had had a late night many years ago.  He is probably in need today after Soundwave yesterday.

    Craft of the Week:    Recycled Rainboot Planters

    Children's Activities:                     Paper Plate Aquarium

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    Quote of the Week:
    Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young. 

    - Henry Ford

    Other bits of information this week are more for local South Australians:

    Events in March in South Australia:
    Events in March

    8 March 2014 - Inter2 March 2014 - Clean Up Australia Day
    3-9 March 2014 Parks Weeknational Women's Day
    9-15 March 2014 - World Glaucoma Week
    20 March 2014 - Close the Gap Day
    21 March 2014 - World Poetry Day
    21 March 2014 - World Down Syndrome Day

    21 March 2014 - World Harmony Day
    22 March 2014 - World Water Day
    24-28 March 2014 - National Playgroup Week
    28 March 2014 - Boardies Day

    Positive Parenting:

    Effective Living Centre provides courses throughout 2014 to help parents deal with children and teenagers
    If you have a young family I strongly and highly recommend these courses.  Jill

    I hope you all have great week enjoying the first week of AUTUMN - Hooray!

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