Greetings everyone. I do hope life has been kind over the last seven days. Everyone is so busy these days and I wonder if you find it as difficult as I do to keep up with your friends due to the time needed and wanted with family. How does everyone find the balance. Let me know please.
Although I do not leave the house to work, I do consider the time I spend here on the computer work (even though I thoroughly enjoy it), I find my time is perhaps not as organised as it would be if I had to go out to work. If I feel like making cakes in the middle of the morning then I stop and make it, but then I find it difficult to go back to the computer. Then around midnight I get the urge to work again but am really too tired to do so. I obviously need time management skills and a sleep routine.
Last week when we turned our lovely Foodland calender over to March there was a recipe for a Fruitcake. It was a recipe that had only 3 ingredients and my nearly 15 year old nephew (is now 15) and I had a discussion and I said I will make it for next time you come. Outcome = EASY and absolutely DELICIOUS. The only improvement I think would be a pinch of cinnamon and a better quality mixed fruit. As I wasn't sure of outcome I used the cheapest mixed fruit I could find which had a little too much mixed peel but no-one complained. Now you will need to go the the recipes page to see what 3 ingredients it contains. Also note, it could easily be gluten free & it contains NO eggs. I just went to the Foodland Facebook site to look at their recipes and it wasn't there. Pity, however, there are some absolutely wonderful recipes available to be found waiting for you.
This week sees the onset of the Australian Football League (AFL) season. I know the Rugby is already up and running but although I keep an eye on the NRL teams and scores in this household it is all AFL. Our weekend routine changes each weekend and works around when the Crows (Adelaide) and to a slightly lesser extent Port Power are playing. Although Crow supporters we are very much parochial South Australians and support all things SA including the Power. (Except when playing against the Crows) Dinner on Saturday or Sunday night is often finger food as we will be sitting in the lounge and we need easy to eat food if balancing a plate on our laps. I know it is old fashioned but we are very much a household that has a set table every night - not formal though. My mother also has a few favourites in many teams so that makes the entire weekend interesting to her as she will watch as many games as she can on Free To Air TV. I however, get quite sick of it after Crows and Power and am happy to be doing something else.
I have started crocheting a gorgeous little jacket for my soon to be newest member of the family and will place a picture here next week. Looks absolutely gorgeous. My eldest grand daughter told me yesterday that she would like a pink hat and gloves for this winter. So I know what at least one of my tasks will be in the coming weeks. Yesterday was my eldest grand sons' 13 th birthday. I cannot believe that he is a teenager now. His parents gave him a mobile phone so he really feels the part now.
I am trying to vary the crafts and food that I bring to you each week and am finding it difficult because I also want to make it relevant to as many people as possible. Please let me know of areas you would like me to cover, different foods you like, great books you have read etc then I can broaden my output to make items relevant to more people.
Lastly, a little humour for all...I have been trying to set up a page of my craft items for sale on this site. I nearly had it ready to publish and pressed DELETE, then panicked and again pressed the WRONG button and lost it all. So am now starting again......
Now for this week:
There is no straining, seeding or
skinning involved in this recipe. It’s all about the whole tomato. I was lucky
to find ripe, sweet tomatoes in season – if your tomatoes are not at peak,
adding a spoonful of sugar to the soup works magic.
Lavender Sachet Hanger: By:
Leave your clothes smelling nice and refreshing with this Lavender
Sachet Hanger from Savannah
Starr. Since it's made from a clothes hanger, this project will hang
easil y in your closet and will leave your clothes and bedroom smelling nice and
These make the greatest gifts (for females). I used to loathe receiving these as a little girl when they were all the trend but now that I am nearing 60 I quite appreciate lovely clothes hangers where the srticles stay ON the hanger.
Pony Bead Owl Pendant By:
A fun item, teaching your child a little about beading (pony beads are that little bit bigger and easier to handle) They are making something they can wear and show off with, maybe even make one for a good friend, You may need to assist in certain areas, but this is great for relationship building isn't it? Go to the link above to access instructions.
Isaac Newton
When Procrastination Is a Problem, and How to Fix It
Reviewed by Arefa Cassoobhoy, MD, MPH
It is a frustrating habit for those people around a procrastinator. You can never get a straight answer out of them and never know where you start. How much is fear or just laziness in putting off what doesn't need to be done today and can wait until tomorrow.
Have a great week everyone and get in touch with me soon about what you would like to see on this page and site and what areas you do not like. I can take criticism, at least I will know some one is reading the page(s). God Bless all. Jill
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