Sunday 2 February 2014

South Australia in Late January & February

As soon as there is mention of the children going back to school for another year the temperature seems to start rising.  Come 28th  January, first day back for most of South Australian Schools and the temperature is 40 degrees Celsius.  This started another and longer onslaught of high temperatures and always at its hottest as the children come out of school around 3.00 PM.  Are our summer school holidays timed wrongly?  Should they commence a couple of days before Christmas and go a couple of weeks longer to incorporate most of February and cut back to a week only for holidays between term 1 & 2 and 3 & 4, still with two weeks in mid year?  Just a little food for thought.  I would love your ideas.

This week my adorable No 2 Grandson started school with his sister who went into grade 1 and his older brother who entered year 7. They all looked so smart in their new school clothes and new school bags, and thankfully their Mum took a lovely group photo a long with a single of the new school boy.  I had the pleasure of taking them to school on Friday and found where he sat etc.

Meanwhile, back to the heat, 'I'm over it'.  Sunday the 2nd February was a shocker, it was the hottest February day in our history!  Today we drop down to 29 degrees C after 44 - 45 yesterday.  It might be cooler outside, but I am still sitting with 2 fans inside awaiting the house to cool down.  It will be good though to cook something substantial for dinner tonight.  Both my mother and I have been off our food in this weather so it will be a welcome relief to get back into routine.  Every morning I  make a healthy smoothie for us both, and that has been keeping us going mostly in the last couple of days.

 Although it has even been to hot to craft I have been busy finding patterns for new baby clothes for my newest grandchild (due in May), as soon as it is cool enough I shall be starting these.  Also, seeking out different patterns for the other grand children.  I need to get the sewing machine out and complete a bag full of repairs.  I have also started selling my cards on eBay so I also need to keep these items stocked and varies.  So, I have plenty to keep me busy over the next few weeks.

Has everyone else managed to decide on the craft activities over the next few months.  Keep us all informed.

This week I have a varied collection for everyone, I hope you find something useful amongst it.  Have a great and I hope cooler week, if only slightly cooler.

Recipe of the week:      Cottage Cheese and Egg Breakfast Muffins with Ham and Cheddar
These can be used as a healthy lunch box alternative.  

Craft of the Week:   Ombre Dyed Tee Shirt Tote Bag 

By: Savannah Starr

Made from an old t-shirt to any colour you like, HAVE SOME FUN!  

Children's Activities:

Monarch Butterfly Symmetry Art~ Buggy and BuddyI love the majestic Monarch butterfly.  As a child  we used to always have a set up in the class room watching the life cycle of this beautiful creature.   This symmetry art has two sets of instructions, one for older children and a simpler explanation for younger  children.

Quote of the Week:   

Don't worry about the world coming to an end today.  It is already tomorrow in Australia.  ~Charles Schulz

It has been a difficult week with the computer so I am going to leave it here for now and start working on next weeks'.  I hope you all have a great remainder of the week.  Jill

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