Monday 6 January 2014

A Fresh Start to Crafting Made Easy!


Welcome to 2014.  After a hectic and rather disjointed 2013 I have decided to try to make everything more streamlined and to cut out a lot of the little bits of "nothing or meaningless information".  This will see me cut a couple of items.  They will still be accessible for those who want to follow up on something but I will not be contributing on a weekly basis.  The first one is the mid week pick-me-ups and the collection of ways to pick yourself up, dust yourself off & start all over again!  The next is the TEA page, whilst I still want to pursue this area I have not had time to do so and will put in on the back-burner until I hopefully find more time. Naturally Christmas Planning is on the back-burner until further notice, I hope people found it useful and will probably bring it back in October 2014.

So, what have we left:
1.  Recipes - hope to contribute to this page on a regular basis.  
2.  Craft  - will still source as many and varied crafts as possible as this is dear to my heart.
3.  Children's Activities - Will try to include as many options as possible including books, crafts,        puzzles and any other activities that a child can pursue.
4.  Quote of the week -  (Will still include these each week as there are so many wise sayings out there that have been forgotten about and I love quotes and learning a little about the person writing the quote.)
5.  Links - these will included businesses that I personally know about.  I will not be including just any here.  They will all be businesses that either I or my daughter have had dealings and support.
6.  From time to time I will suggest different sites to read on different articles, usually affecting ourselves or our families, sometimes just for fun.
7.  Also, occasionally I will try to include a little humour as we all need a laugh from time to time, it is good for our health.  Life is difficult enough without a chuckle. I hope this explains my format for 2014 and from this I will now launch my bits and pieces for this week ahead of us:

Recipe of the Week:    (for full recipe)
       Alea’s Tortellini Casserole
Yield – 6 servings         
Preparation Time – 10 minutes                       
Cooking Time – 40 minutes 

Crochet Owl Hat

Craft of the Week:    (for full details)    
 Crochet Owl Hat
By: Sarah Zimmerman for Repeat Crafter Me

My favourite quote for the week:   
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbour, catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore, Dream, Discover. –Mark Twain

      Whilst today sees many people back to work (me included) January in Australia is still holiday mode for many families.  As I want to spend a little quality time with each of my beautiful grandchildren I will be not as prevalent in my postings until school goes back at end of month. Just after the wonderful Tour Down Under (with pictures to post I hope).  The bike race goes past our house THREE times on the 25th January.  Party Day!       I hope every one has a great week in what ever you are doing.  Talk soon, Jill

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