If you work in an office:
- Confirm with employers that regular air conditioning maintenance is attended to and that the filters & ventilation shafts are cleaned regularly.
- Maintain a comfortable temperature in the office ALL day.
- WASH HANDS regularly. Use hand sanitizer.
- Clean phone handsets frequently.
- Photocopiers, vending machines & the like should be kept in a separate room.
- Carpets should be vacuumed at least once a week and professionally cleaned regularly
- Wear computer glasses or put an anti-glare screen on computer.
- Ensure sick people STAY AWAY until better. (Maybe even need a clearance certificate from doctor to return, daycares and schools often require certificates.)
- Maybe your company is progressive enough to ensure all staff have a flu shot, (at their cost) makes sense as it means less lost productive time, therefore saving money in the long term.
- Healthy diet, following all 5 food groups for ALL the family. An increase in Vitamin C foods, garlic and green leafy vegetables with anti oxidants.
- Keeping sick people home. (Difficult for working parents especially when lack of family support available & you do not want to put elderly or in-firmed family at risk.)
- Ensuring your own air conditioning maintenance is attended to and that the filters & ventilation shafts are cleaned regularly.
- Dressing appropriately, so maintaining a constant temperature.
- Exercise regularly.
- Maintain a dust free home and environment.
- Throw out dead flowers and leaves.
- On a fine day, air out the house, blow out the bugs.
- Separate face-washers and towels for members of the family.
- Good oral and body hygiene. WASH HANDS regularly. Use hand sanitizer.
- Teach family to sneeze into the elbow crease of arm. DO NOT SNEEZE or COUGH into hands as these are then used to contaminate everything you touch.
- Fresh air as much as possible, gardening is a great way of building immunity and making you and the garden happy. Let babies play in the dirt, it is good for them.
- Change tea towels regularly, Regular new tooth brushes.
- Sterilize kitchen sponges, brushes and scourers.
- There are so many more in this area it would take me all day, but all boils down to GOOD HYGIENE.
- Use vaporizers with essential oils, lavender, geranium, mints, eucalyptus, tea tree oil etc.
- FLU shots for ALL family.
- And I don't know if this one is proven, but it has worked for many years for my 80 year old mother. She places a small amount of VICKS™ (Mentholated petroleum jelly) in her nostrils before she leaves the house or is visited by small great grandchildren. It has worked for her so far!

Another couple of general points for the community are:
- Use elbows to press lift buttons and street crossing buttons.
- Remember door handles are covered in bacteria and viruses, so wash hands immediately after to cleanse.
- Carry wipes and hand sterilizer in your car and handbag.
I know I have missed many areas but this will assist in keeping you a little healthier. So much to do, I only hope I can follow some of my own advice.
Thank you to Theresa Cheung from "100 ways to boost your immune system" from where I found a few of these points, particularly relating to work environment.
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